Following Jesus is more than a belief; it’s a way of life that transforms every part of who we are. It’s a journey of surrender, learning, and growing in a relationship with the Savior who calls us to walk with Him. For those new to faith or curious about what it means to follow Jesus, this article will explore the heart of discipleship and how it changes us from the inside out.
The Call to Follow
Jesus’ invitation to follow Him is both simple and profound: “Follow me” (Matthew 4:19). When He called His first disciples, He wasn’t just asking them to listen to His teachings—He was asking them to live life with Him. Following Jesus means more than attending church on Sunday or knowing Bible stories. It’s about a daily relationship with Him, letting Him shape your thoughts, choices, and actions.
At its core, following Jesus involves two main steps: believing in Him and living like Him. As the Bible says, “If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me” (Luke 9:23, CSB). This means setting aside our own desires and trusting Jesus to guide us.
A Journey of Transformation
When we follow Jesus, He begins a lifelong process of transformation in us. This journey involves stages of growth, as outlined in discipleship materials like those used in small groups or one-on-one meetings. We may begin with an awakening to who Jesus is, then grow in our hunger for Him, experience the overflow of His love, and face challenges in a season of wilderness. These stages lead to deeper intimacy with God and a greater understanding of His purpose for our lives.
One of the greatest joys of following Jesus is learning that we are loved and valued simply because He created us and redeemed us.
Isaiah 43:1 reminds us, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Our worth comes from who God says we are, not from our achievements or failures.
Learning to Follow
Discipleship is the process of learning to follow Jesus. It’s not something we do alone. Jesus modeled this by living closely with His disciples, teaching them through His actions and words. Today, discipleship often happens through relationships with mentors or in small groups where believers can grow together.
Through discipleship, we learn key spiritual disciplines like prayer, reading Scripture, and practicing silence and solitude. These habits help us abide in Jesus, as He taught in John 15:4: “Remain in me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, neither can you unless you remain in me.”
Why Follow Jesus?
Following Jesus isn’t about perfection; it’s about relationship. It’s about walking with the One who loves us unconditionally and leads us to abundant life (John 10:10). Though challenges will come, we can trust that He is with us every step of the way.
If you’ve been wondering whether following Jesus is for you, know that His invitation is open to everyone. He meets us where we are and calls us to a life of purpose, peace, and transformation. Are you ready to take the next step and follow Him?